Friday, January 27, 2012

oh, it's me

I've been feeling the need lately to record some thoughts and things, so I think I'll try to start up with the blog again (haha—I began my last post with similar words).

The past year has been such a roller coaster of change, and I feel like I didn't get to grasp and hold onto a lot of things the way I wish I could. I've learned so much about life and growing up from having a baby and working to support our little family. While I'm not really an avid writer, it seems like a worth-while use of my time to put some of those lessons in writing. (And some pics—who are we kidding). My life is very segmented at times, but I hope to be able to bring it all together in one place—maybe I'll feel like I'm all one person!

Oh and we've been uploading pics of our little Joah here: